1997 Session 3 - No Audio

3:45pm, Friday 17th October, 1997 B.Sc. in Construction Management N. C. in Construction Studies N. D. in Construction Economics N. D. in Architectural Technology N.C. Civil Engineering N.D. Civil Engineering BSc in Applied Chemistry - with Q.M N. C. in Science (Applied Biology) N. C. in Science (Applied Chemistry) N. C. in Science (Pharmaceutical Science) N.D. in Science (Biotechnology) N. D. in Science (Applied Chemistry) B Sc Computing Commercial Software Dev. N.D. in Science with QA 1996 N.D. in Science with QA (ACCS) N. C. in Industrial Computing N.C. in Commercial Computing N. D. in Commercial Computing B. Sc. in Applied Computing + ACCS B. Sc. in Applied Biology with QM Frederick Institute of Tech.Cyprus Awards M. Sc. in European Construction Management PhD Awards


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