Alice L Rekab 06122018

A Nomoli is the Temne name given to the strange figurative objects of unknown origin found buried in the ground both deep and shallow at various sites in Sierra Leone. Sometimes marking the rich seam of gold in a mine deep inside the earth; other times their placement is seemingly random, unearthed by hand or spade in a rice field. They are believed to bring or to signal abundance. If you take them out, your harvest will fail. Some believe they are man-made and others that they are formed by the earth to resemble gods. The Sheela-na-Gig is the name given to an ancient figure carved in grotesque relief across the medieval architecture of Europe, with the highest concentration of 101 carvings found in Ireland. The Sheela-na- gig are said to ward off death and evil as they display their large distended vulva, their faces gently smiling or agape, reflecting the shock of life’s origins and the power of fertility across the ages Alice Rekab’s nomoli, which replicates the Temne nomoli yet resembles the Irish Sheela-na-gig, engages two distinct cultural forms one sexless the other sexed. Each becoming a motif of biographical expression for the artist as both Irish and Temne by descent. In her fist guest lecture in the Republic of Ireland Rekab will discuss her practice of video, sculpture, tapestry and performance, exploring how these works repeat and recode the same objects across different locations and time lines. These objects will in turn form a focal point for a discussion and a wider consideration of arts function on and off camera.


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